Innovative mobile application developer with a passion for crafting seamless user experiences. Proficient in iOS and Android development, adept at merging functionality with aesthetics.
In mid-2021, I was promoted to Senior Software Engineer at the company where I started my career journey. I gained a lot of knowledge on Flutter platform as I developed company projects based on the online delivery service and the messaging and collaboration platform.
After I was promoted as a Software Engineer, I mainly worked on the Mobile Application Development side. During my internship I worked only on Android platform, but later, I shifted to cross-platform development. Later, I started my mobile development with Flutter framework as my main programming language.
I started my career as a Software Intern at Nova Solution Pvt Ltd in December 2018. During that time I worked on several projects based on food delivery, e-commerce.
After my Advanced Level, I started my Bachelor in February 2017 at SLIIT Malabe. After the 2nd year, I chose my field on Software Engineering because I had more interest in coding. In those 4 years I had much experience in Information Technology field.
I joined D. S. Senanayake College for my Advanced Level eduction and followed Maths stream in English Medium. I was the Secretary of the School Information Technology Society at that time. I did my Advanced Level examination in August 2016 and passed with 1B 1C 1S result.
I did my education at Boys' School Malabe up to Ordinary Level. I did my O/L also in English medium and passed with 8As and 1B result.